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X-ray Crystallography
Success Stories // 21.11.2016
DECTRIS smashes old world record for precision of pi To test a powerful new server, DECTRIS has determined pi to 22.4 ...
Success Stories // 06.09.2016
A paper in Acta Crystallographica Section D demonstrates the superior data quality the can be obtained with EIGER and ...
Success Stories // 04.08.2016
EIGER X 9M debuts with a crystal structure of Zika virus envelope protein bound to a cross-reactive neutralizing ...
Success Stories // 31.05.2016
The versatile PILATUS@SNBL diffraction platform - one for all (and all for one)
Success Stories // 19.05.2016
DECTRIS has just published a White Paper on the use of EIGER detectors in biological crystallography.
Success Stories // 06.05.2016
The crystal structure of CRISRP-Cpf1 in complex with guide RNA and target DNA was solved from data collected with an ...
Success Stories // 22.04.2016
The first protein structure solved from diffraction data collected with an EIGER detector has been released by the PDB.
Success Stories // 02.02.2016
Data from PILATUS detectors is over-represented among the highest-impact research compared to the PDB overall. Our ...

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