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X-ray Crystallography
Corporate news // 18.05.2017
The whole world congratulates. A long obstacle race that featured collapsed roof, (non)diplomatic relations, banking ...
Corporate news // 29.03.2017
The 10,000th structure determined with PILATUS data has been released by the PDB. Nicholas Pearce wins a trip for two ...
Corporate news // 23.03.2017
If you determined your structure with PILATUS data and have it released by the PDB next week, you might be the lucky ...
Corporate news // 14.03.2017
NEGGIA, the first plugin for XDS, enables direct and highly efficient reading of EIGER HDF5 data for accelerated ...
Success Stories // 02.02.2017
In 2016, PILATUS and EIGER users determined more wonderful structures than ever before. In this compilation of your ...
Success Stories // 31.01.2017
After succeeding in high-end synchrotron radiation detection, EIGER X has now been shown to count electrons, too. ...
Success Stories // 26.01.2017
Two structures of the human cannabinoid receptor CB1 have been solved with data from EIGER X 16M and PILATUS3 6M ...
Corporate news // 24.01.2017
Having transformed X-ray detection, DECTRIS aims to improve detectors for electron microscopy, a new market we have ...
Success Stories // 20.01.2017
When it comes to elucidating new insights by X-ray diffraction, diamonds, a PILATUS detector, and a Rigaku Oxford ...
Corporate news // 22.12.2016
For the third consecutive year DECTRIS exhibited at the Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America ...

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