Jan 15, 2020 - Jan 17, 2020

SOLEIL Users Meeting 2020

The beamlines of the future need the detectors of the future. The 15th SOLEIL User meeting is a perfect opportunity to come back to the source and to discuss the needs of the beamline scientists. DECTRIS Product Manager Specific Solutions, Nicolas Pilet, will join the meeting to answer your questions about the DECTRIS latest development EIGER2 family. The EIGER2 X and EIGER2 XE detectors offer the highest count rate performance to meet the needs of fourth-generation synchrotrons. These cutting-edge X-ray cameras are perfect for on-the-fly scanning and many other applications. To find out more about DECTRIS's latest technologies and to learn more about its specific solutions, just reach out to Nicolas during the meeting. It is only with your input that we can continue improving our detectors.

SOLEIL Users Meeting 2020